YCC Program
The NORCOR Youth Care Center is designed to be an intensive short term treatment option for youth who are pending placement with the Oregon Youth Authority or who are at risk of placement in a Youth Correctional Facility. The treatment is individually designed with the supervising agency, NORCOR, youth and family. Placement in the program is limited to 180 days.
The following criteria are required before acceptance into the program:
14-17 year old youth offender currently in the Oregon Youth Authority care and custody, or at risk of OYA Commitment
Youth determined to be medium or high risk based on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Assessment, or the Oregon Risk Needs Assessment
Cognitive ability to read and write for the appropriate casework, and Placement by a Court or Oregon Youth Authority into the program
Referrals are submitted by the supervising agency to the NORCOR Detention Manager and reviewed with a program team including the supervising agencies, NORCOR, and Program leads.
The NORCOR YCC uses cognitive behavior interventions to increase youth offender’s positive social skills and prepare them to engage in treatment services to address risk factors leading to their criminal behaviors. Using the developmental approach, the program works with youth as individuals to increase their skills in pro-social and legally acceptable behaviors.
Each youth will have an individualized treatment program that will include goals in identified domains. These services will be provided by designated NORCOR Staff as well as contracted services.
The following list includes (but is not limited to) examples of goal areas:
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions
Changing Offender Behavior
Core Correctional Practices
Groups facilitated by trained staff in CBT
Vocational Skills
Physical/Mental Health Assessment
Transition Planning/Treatment Readiness
Recreation and community involvement
Additional treatment components may consist of offense specific services, alcohol and drug education/treatment, educational opportunities, mental health services, special education services and family groups.
Each youth placed in the treatment facility will participate in the development of their treatment plan. The overall goal of the YCC is to prepare youth for their next placement in their overall case plan.
The treatment team will meet weekly with full treatment reviews at 30 day intervals.
To successfully complete the program youth will be required to progress in each of the treatment areas addressed in the treatment plan.
Progress in the program will allow youth to begin services outside the facility within the community and potential home visits following the first 30 day review. Community based treatment will require collaborative planning with the supervising agency and NORCOR.
Youth Progress team members evaluating the youth’s progress will include the members of the NORCOR treatment team, supervising agency (JPPO, PO, JCC), treatment providers outside of NORCOR, family members, and youth.
Upon completion of the program a Discharge summary of participation and recommendations will be completed.